The game is a clone of the Guitar Hero franchise with nearly identical gameplay. Released Packs - Chorus/Guitar Hero X-II/02 - Nothing Beats The Original, Right.
Version: 1 Filesize: 14.21 MB Added: Fri. Every legacy chart before Anime Heros official launch, remastered up to current standards.Support our work on Patreon. It will be an ongoing series of track packs, each containing 28 songs: One for each letter of the alphabet, one that begins with a number, and one that begins with a special character (*$% etc. Clone Hero is a freeware music rhythm video game created by Ryan Foster, first released in alpha on March 1, 2017, receiving a full release on November 29, 2022. song, shot in a snhwav four flights below the streets ol New York City and 'Let's. Description: Linkin Park, ft Kiiara Heavy song for Clone Hero. A-Z is a brand new CSC project from organized by iZenPenguin.